Amsterdam Arena: 3x 60,000 visitors
Photo: Elke Briers Concert Photography - Circo di Strada at Toppers in Concert Newspaper: Telegraaf Toppers on pink cloud
An amazing concert
Circo di Strada was a guest during Toppers in Concert - Circus Edition and provided an extra festive show with their contribution with the circus parade during the three sold-out evenings in the Amsterdam Arena. The Toppers entertained 180,000 visitors with their signature hits and flamboyant performances, a great honor for Circo di Strada to be part of their walk act during this grandiose concert. In collaboration with Bencha Theater and Marc van Laere Producties, Circo di Strada brought a magical and visual addition to the circus edition of this concert.
The evening started spectacularly with an opening spectacle in which the Toppers made their entrance on gigantic lions among the audience, while the circus parade of Circo di Strada dazzled on the main stage. The circus parade added an extra dimension to the concert with performers balancing on large walking balls, jugglers filling the air with colorful patterns, and stilt walkers dancing across the main stage.
During the special circus medley of the Toppers, Circo di Strada once again played a great role in this concert. The show's finale was a breathtaking end to the evening, with Circo di Strada presenting the illuminated version of their act with. The thousands of lights in the costumes and attributes added an enchanting atmosphere to the powerful closing numbers of the Toppers.
The event was received with loud applause and admiration, which made this edition of Toppers in Concert a great success. A great honor for the circus artists for Circo di Strada to perform during this amazing show.
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